‫تعليقات الزوار

  • Talal S
    الخميس 5 ماي 2016 - 04:11

    We appreciate the Moroccans sharing the knowledge and the help with the community. A true commitment to benevolence is clear here, good job!
    I applaud the congregation of Moroccans of north Texas. It would be awesome to see this all across the US including here in the pacific northwest.

    الخميس 5 ماي 2016 - 04:42

    MAXIMUM RESPECT Mr Ahmed ! I must admit that you are a pride. to all moroccans

  • chicago
    الخميس 5 ماي 2016 - 12:17

    J'ai une idee ! Pourquoi ne pas creer un rencontre anuelle des Marocains , Marocains Americans a Dallas ! Le sujet peut etre: tout s'implement pour se rencontrer 🙂 I have one idea , why not creat e a big convention ones a year for Moroccans & Moroccan Americans in Dallas . The subject of the convention can be just like : just to meet 🙂 . I know if we can meet all together , we can create wonderful bridge .

  • freelancer
    الخميس 5 ماي 2016 - 15:16

    I agree with u Chicago 3 , it is time to think deeply about involving all Moroccans and get connected at least once a year , that will create a wonderful atmosphere for all of us , why not having a festival with Moroccan singers and comedian like Hassan fad , we would love our king to be involved . we can make it big and all of us will look forward to bring friend and families together and bring us closer and keep our traditions alive

  • Ben
    الخميس 5 ماي 2016 - 20:46

    I have known Dr. Ahmed since the mid. eighties, I can only say that he is an honest, sincere and humble person. I am so glad that he took this initiative to try to give back to our homeland. We all need to see how we can get together to be able to give back to our country and especially its people, are there any credible suggestions?. Greetings from Chicago.

  • صالح الصالح
    الجمعة 6 ماي 2016 - 00:02

    كان قد يكون متل هده المؤسسة او المنضمة لها فروع عديدة في جميع أنحاء الولايات المتحدة الاعانة الطلبة المغاربة وتعديدهم وتاهيل ملفهم للالتحاق بالجامعات الامريكية لدراسة ، وكدالك لإعانة الشركات الامريكية في تأهيل استتماراتهم بالمغرب ، ولتدريس تقافة المغرب وحضارته للامركان وتعرف المغرب علي مناطقه السياحية واعانة السياحة المغربية و من اهم الولايات هي كاليفورينا ، وفلوريدا ، و التكساس ، وشكاكو ، ومنطقة المدويست متل ولاية اوهايوا وولاية ميشكن وولاية اريزونا .

  • Elaine Obenshain
    الجمعة 6 ماي 2016 - 00:43

    I am very honored and proud to call Dr. Yanouri a mentor and a brother. It is an honor to work with him and the other members of AMA – American Moroccan Alliancep

  • simo
    الجمعة 6 ماي 2016 - 00:51

    واش كاين شي مايدار الإخوة فدالاس نجي ليها كين شي مرحب.

  • Houston,Texas
    الجمعة 6 ماي 2016 - 03:22

    شوف مكاين لمغاربا لاوالو ، مكاينش لتسوق ليك الا معندكش خدمة ، لبراني اعونك لكين لمغربي لا، اعونو الاجانب واخدمهم ولكين انتا ولد بلادو ادير راسو شرقي .

  • TX.USA
    الجمعة 6 ماي 2016 - 06:19


  • lym
    الجمعة 6 ماي 2016 - 15:44

    L education est la base de la reussite,Ce Monsieur estD abord bein eduque,propre(il va pas s integrer avec une barbe et une gandoura) tollerant ,simple,apres biensure le travaille,le courage( il n ya pas la drogue et le trafic)une reussite propre .C est le resultat des parents qui ont bien eleve leurs enfants.Et aussi de l ancien systeme scolaire avec des professeurs agueeris pas comme ceux de maintenant des jeunes opportuniste qui ont deteruit notre jeunesse.FELICITATION

  • Fouzia Yanouri
    الجمعة 6 ماي 2016 - 16:00

    الأخوة في ردود رقم 9 , 10 ، لا أظن ان المغاربة في دالاس بهذه الصفات. انا ارى ان معظمهم متعاون ، و يحب الخير للجميع.

  • silent Moroccan in tx
    السبت 7 ماي 2016 - 03:50

    First and foremost we should stop lying to ourselves and others whilst believing it is truth.
    Second and most important, those considered leaders of our community should not use our Moroccan brethren, to pursue their personal agendas. One thing that really angers me as a Moroccan in the DFW, is that the only time our "so called" associations get active or show presence is when a Moroccan official (minister, ambassador..etc) presents him or herself from abroad. In the meantime we Moroccans resident in the DFW get ignored the rest of the year until such times as the Moroccan establishment sees fit to send someone over simply to give a speech/ seminar while the main purpose is tourism and leisure.
    These associations should be made to have monthly scheduled programs that are full of recreations for the benefit of our kids and families(not meetings held at Starbucks), without forgetting annual elections of mentioned association.

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