‫تعليقات الزوار

  • uk man
    الخميس 27 أبريل 2017 - 16:02

    هل صحيح ان كوريا استقلت في 1956

  • Izm
    السبت 29 أبريل 2017 - 15:09

    I would like to add some stuffs to this beautiful video. Korea is a country that developed so quickly… I. The 80_90s, many Korean men came to Morocco to work as fishermen. I f you say this to any Korean now, he will not believe it or he will not admit it. A very organized and clean country… You don't get to any house with your shoes on… No sugar at home… No coffee for breakfast. A lot of kimchi, rice and seafood… If you eat Korean food for the first time, it us like an abuse for your senses.. once you get used to it, it is very nice and delicious… Korean women are gorgeous but a lot of plastic surgers, perhaps every beauty you see in Korea now is not natural at all… Koreans can be very racist to many other races… Arrogant and cocky… Suicide rate is up to the roof … Many social issues … Koreans are very fashionable … For those that don't believe that s country can rise from poverty to a developed country withing 2-3 generation s: look at Korea!

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المعرض المغاربي للكتاب بوجدة

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