‫تعليقات الزوار

  • El Younsi Mohamed
    الأربعاء 8 ماي 2013 - 03:08

    Sorry, Borther, you are no way near to be an American official! Which campaign are you talking about? I have listed the names of all members of the US congress representing the state of New York, and you are not one of them! I am not sure who are you BRO! This is not to demenish your support for our case, but the truth is the truth. Again Mr. Kelly is the Boss of the police force in New York State, and was there from the Juliani era! Enjoy your stay in Morocco Bro

  • thougher
    الأربعاء 8 ماي 2013 - 03:54

    hey everyone, first of all, those people were in need of a professional translator. The guy made bunch of mistakes and there is no need to talk about that. The main subject is Sahara , is it Moroccan or not in fact it is Moroccan 100%. Going back to the history and as it was mentioned in the tape Morocco was united country and got divided and weakened due to colonialism etc… Moroccan regime will never like a solution for this issue even it is in its favor because they want this problem remains to make people busy of most important things in their lives and shut the mouth of everyone who will talk about real human rights not those crazy people who just believe in what is under their belly button. Real right: social peace, education, practicing religion the right way, spreading ethics justice etc…Moroccan and Algerian elites are happy to, see good people leaving the country to Europe or USA. They love ignorant people who are easy to control. Please publish

  • ماكتعرفنيش
    الأربعاء 8 ماي 2013 - 08:17

    .Am sure you saw the whole thing
    But if the PAM does not get it at Minute three ?.
    Cause i think it was clear ?.
    Is the PAM trying to make the Sahara their Morrocan Tooth and Nail ?.
    Cause if so, then maybe those that said that His Majesty Hassan 2 ( R Allah ) Anexed the Sahara to avoid more attempts on his life back in the seventies.

  • Marocain
    الأربعاء 8 ماي 2013 - 10:11


    Un site de connards d'indépendentistes,allez y laisser un max de commentaires et dites le à vos amis et connaissances. C'est à nous de réagir et de faire du bruit pas au independentistes qui fimes les policiers pour dire ou sont lesdroits de l'Homme.


  • Mourabitine
    الأربعاء 8 ماي 2013 - 17:31

    Le Maroc a très mal géré le dossier de ses territoires du sud depuis l'indépendance. Les signataires de l'indépendance ont commis des erreurs très graves et aujourd'hui nous sommes entrain de payer la facture et ce n'est pas fini. On n'aurait jamais signer cette indépendance en laissant tomber une partie de nos territoires ! La signature devait être conditionnée par l'intégrité territoriale totale incluant le Sahara occidental, une partie qui se trouvant à la fois en Algérie et Mauritanie. Le peuple marocain n'est pas dupe tôt ou tard il demandera des comptes.

  • طارق من الخميسات
    الخميس 9 ماي 2013 - 00:12

    الصحراء مغربية وستبقى مغربية وكلنا من أجل الوحدة الترابية وطرد الإنفصاليين الذين باعوا كرامتهم وجنسيتهم المغربية للعصابة القاتلة المتعدية البوليزاريو

  • Amalay
    الخميس 9 ماي 2013 - 01:40

    Go and learn english. It is really disturbing to hear your chaotic translation. Moreover, this party will take Morocco 100 years back.

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