‫تعليقات الزوار

  • Casawi
    الأربعاء 19 غشت 2015 - 04:44

    This year I just had my vacation in Florida, it was great. It costs me a way cheaper than going to Morocco. Visiting the family in Morocco cost me a lot of money and headache always. You have to buy the airline ticket cost $1700 each , buy gifts for the family and so on, and you come back unhappy . you need an other vacation after you comeback from Morocco. Everybody want money or they want to come to live in USA. they give you a hard time you do not even enjoy your vacation at all.I am done with visiting Morocco every summer. going to visit other places is so much better,and you do not spend too much money.

  • مغربي
    الأربعاء 19 غشت 2015 - 13:27

    الأمور الآن مريحة، و كما رأيتم الميناء على ما يرام.

    لكن المشكلة تبدأ حين يريد الكل الإستمتاع حتى آخر دقيقة بالبلاد و العائلة، و يقرر الجميع العودة في آخر لحظة.
    رغم تجنيد كل الإمكانيات، من المستحيل أن يرجع الكل في يوم أو يومين.

    انتظروا آخر أيام غشت لترو.

  • Mariam
    الأربعاء 19 غشت 2015 - 13:55

    Salam do de estaba la cámara y la televisión el día 8 de agosto a las 11 de mañana en la frontera de cesta estuvimos ahí más de 3 horas en cola con los niños pequeños donde esta la asociación de Mohamed 6 ?????? Solo cuando entramos a maruecos y cuando salimos que nos comen el pes por favor lo olor

  • محمد ايطاايا
    الأربعاء 19 غشت 2015 - 14:57

    السلام ولو واحد علق على مشكل الاستيراد المؤقت للسيارات بحيث ان لأحد الزوجين فقط الحق ان يقود السيارة ان هما دخلا المغرب معا فكيف للدعيرة التى تصل الى مليونين ان قاد الفرد التانى من الزوجين السيارة ولو ان الاول الدي طبعا استريدت السيارة تحت اسمه كان مريضا اهل المشكل مشكل من استجوب في الروبورطاج ام المشكل في الصحافة التى تستعمل المقص
    اين الحكومة التي عرت المشكل حينما تولت زمام الامور والان هى منكبة وراء الانتخابات

  • hassan
    الأربعاء 19 غشت 2015 - 16:33

    yeh man it's true that's morocco

  • bassou
    الأربعاء 19 غشت 2015 - 17:34

    اللهم احفض جميع الجالية في بقاع الارض من الحوادث

  • ben
    الأربعاء 19 غشت 2015 - 18:16

    speak your family language, you will never being happy, you know why, because you love maney. i want to say. i'm from belguim, i never spent my holiday in another country. every year i'm in morocco . i love that country , my country . forget morocco and continu spending your life in another place. the question is : why you read moroccan newspaper if you thinking bad of your family. go to miami beach and take snifff.

  • MohAmmad.
    الأربعاء 19 غشت 2015 - 18:28

    Visiting family espacially parents is worther than any other vacation that you have even with headache expensive ticket and problems that we .
    have in home contry

  • Passager
    الأربعاء 19 غشت 2015 - 21:11

    Thank you commenter number 8. I wanted to say the same thing to that person who prefer spending vacation in florida rather than going visiting his parents beacuse (he thinks) its expensive. Visiting parent is the best thing you could ever do. And remember, someday, not too far from today, you will not have this opportunity to see your parents anymore.

  • elmokh
    الأربعاء 19 غشت 2015 - 21:13

    Hamdou lillah c' etais tees bien passė et trės vite . Ils ont fait bien leur travail

  • kadim
    الأربعاء 19 غشت 2015 - 21:43

    To who dont like to visit morocco because of money, you know why ,? Because you dont use for it more then that you work in USA like a slave, and you dont have rda lawalidine so you will never become better in your like you will always safer , i hoppe you change in you will get new life more open

  • karim
    الخميس 20 غشت 2015 - 04:51

    it's shame on you as moroccan and casawi as you said.Morocco stays in our heart regardless of what happened, it's the place where our beloved parents gave birth to us , we were born and raise back there,we breath the air where our grand fathers and parents were born.i have been to morocco twice this year in March then in june and July to spend the month of ramadan there,and i wish i could spend aid elkbir there.in fact we spend money getting tickets and gifts….etc but it's nothing compared to the time we spend within our parents and families ,these moments are the best we can have in our short life.in the future you wish you could spend doubles of this money but you will not get this chance

  • passing by
    الخميس 20 غشت 2015 - 11:31

    yea to that broke ass casawi
    what's to see in florida drugs, ugly east coast chiks , beaches and mosquitos and all the trash from the east coast caving in that shiit
    i work between alaska and australia and as soon as i'm off duty from the rigs i cross 3 oceans to come back to morocco to visit my family and my friends
    i can tell you grow up in a poor and a distitute society
    i'd rather spend my vacation and holidays in than any where else around the world morocco with my moroccan poeple good, bad or ugly don't matter to me after all these years i realized that no matter where i go around the world
    get a good education before you open your piehole
    each dollar you spend in moroco you help your fellow moroccan feed his or her family and help with the economy

    الخميس 20 غشت 2015 - 11:57

    Quand je vois ça ,,je suis dégouté car en effet,si vous venez du 23 au 29 août ,vous êtes sur de passez au moins 8h d’attente au port vous avez qu'allez voir sur YouTube la réalité car les deux chaines marocaines et ,que des mensonges l'attente désorganisations sont le maîtres durant cette périodes et je vous parle pas le la fondations Mohamed 6 absente lors de l'entrée et la sortie du pays

  • abou sofiane
    الخميس 20 غشت 2015 - 14:10

    Evitez de revenir à la dernière minute, c'est l'enfer! l'année dernière je suis revenu une semaine avant tout le monde et c'était impécable… Bref, attendre le dernier jour c'est prendre le risque d'attendre. Il ya deux ans nous avons attendu de 6h du matin jusqu'à minuit…cette année j'ai pris l'avion, c'est beaucoup mieux…bon courage à ceux qui reviennent fin aout cette année, avec la rentrée scolaire le 1er sptembre ça va être chaud chaud…

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